Friday, October 13, 2006

I, neologist nuisance

As best as I can tell, I have spawned several neologisms that are now modestly viraling their way around the internet. They are: techlepathy, astrosociobiology and postgenderism.

Techlepathy gets 1,620 results in Google. Astrosciobiology gets 738 results, while postgenderism gets 511. Each word has a corresponding Wikipedia entry, but postgenderism redirects to an entry on me for some strange reason.

I first used the term 'techlepathy' in my Betterhumans article, “Evolving Towards Telepathy.” The other two were words that I had been using informally; I decided to flesh out the ideas in Wikipedia to see what would happen. Of the two, astrosociobiology has had the most work done to it terms of contributions and revisions. I believe that the term 'postgenderism' has been used before, but not in the same posthumanist/transhumanist context--more as a gender issues thing.

Some questions I have are: When does a word cease to be a neologism and become a bona fide word? Is Wikipedia correct in their stance against the posting of neologisms (which is why postgenderism redirects back to me)? Or are they reacting unfairly to new ways in which information emerges?

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